Why do we wear underwear?
I was folding my laundry today and noticed that some of my underwears need to be replaced soon. That was when the question entered my mind.
I do not buy expensive underwear because they are not meant to be seen by others. As long as it is clean, I guess, it will suffice. However, recently, I noticed in a shop how expensive underwears have become. A Calvin Klein can cost more than 1 thousand rupees. Hmm. Will this be worth investing in if its only use ... is to do what is customary? Why then do we use them? I wonder. Is it a protection (against what?), a support (I guess for those who are endowed), an incubator (some say we have to keep the testicles warm for sperm to survive), a fashion statement (but who sees them? I do not wear my undies for the public to bear?). Oh geez. I give up. bridesmaid of the under
So, in going back to what brought about this question, I guess I should give up wearing them. Any thoughts from you why YOU wear underwear?

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