Now ,bathsheba, potiphars's wife ,we got that a lot in church.
How i know? But i saw, i got eyes .
No ,its because they dont see a father in the Father, ha ha .
No ,you mean the other way .no way,it cant be .Thats why i said why call you by a title.
The way we address someone defines the respect which goes with it .Calling you dad sets the mark .its so simple .
When i was told wear black for baptism ,i was like ,man that man is nuts or what as if i dont know i got to wear black and come .
He kept on repeating it service after service,i was having head ache because i understood it without you saying and you said it once its ok.
But then for baptism i was standing with a lady ,i told her you didn't wear black ,he said to wear black you didn't wear it .
She was in white .I was like weird but this cant continue like this ,this kind of people ,buy 50 black shirts and keep it ,for baptism if you cant tell them ,the spiritual mother cant tell them ,im gonna tell them,dont even think how im gonna do that because you dont know me, i can be very weird at times .
Respect is important ,i know what you do in that water, you want covenant with the father, dress properly that's all.
Wait a minute ,people in the world are virtuous in their dressing ,im not lying .Maybe not all of them ,but there are people .
You wear legging your whole leg is out ,and where do you sit in church ,in front ,i saw ,dont tell me no ,i saw ,i get shocked .
So when i tell you ,im unable to identify myself in church ,will you find me weird ?
No you cant ,people do things that i question .
i was brought differently .hmm ,what does upbringing comes to do with respect ?
Respect is something we all know .
At times you say the way you study. you will go high ,i look at you then,you know why because i dont get you ,i really dont get you ,you will teach me wont i learn.
Im like thinking ,but im following you the higher you will go im behind you.It shouldn't come in my mind to overtake you i prefer being behind the father i know he is covering me ,and keeping an eye on my growth .How will i do that spiritual thing if he doesn't keep an eye on me ? i prefer being covered and protected behind thats all. navy blue prom dresses
There are people with titles who dont see dad like dad .Because they see your title,did you tell them the struggle and path ,no im asking you did you ,if you didnt ,do it ,this way they wont be after your title ,but honor you for who you are .
God showed me why they cant see dad in dad because they see title not dad .Its sad ,yes it is .
So you see why i dont adapt to church ,because church cant be such for me .