Drank Doctor
...No one could start a conversation,first Githutha felt like he had done something wrong, he didn't know where to start. On the other hand i was damn asleep, walking asleep, Mr Nduati would have said Niko America.
I didn't had a construction of a mind, a construction to mend my plan, south or west were all home. Surely i was confused, I was dreaming of many things, instances, circumstances and people who had caused me the pain.
In some moments i hated her, hated myself, her friend but the thought of been with shalo in romantic arena would bring back to life my plan, give some lectures to Githutha and make my move, shit, "you have not bathed" someone inside would tell. But Silvester was a real thing, a partner in my mind, "don't they say two fingers kill a louse?" a sound inside will keep nagging. "Do your things, aren't you a man? Githutha will understand."
The problem was my Uncle would keep my phone busy with unending calls, asking questions that would increase our motion.
There we are at Kamung'ang'a, the gate is open but the atmosphere would tell there is no one, I sat at a bench trying to reconstruct my compromised date. Thinking of such a moment would ease the pain, awoke me and at least chuckle at myself. Githutha was busy making noises with a call of the doctor "Ndagitari!Ndagitari!" He would shout, increasing volume each time there is no response. He disappeared for a moment only to come with the doctor after five minutes.
The doctor was the clerk, the groundsman at the same time the nurse. He worked all alone in that hospital. I heard him groaning, "bure kama Raila" he ranted. I looked at myself and realized that I had spilled my blood everywhere. The reason as to why he was very mad, having a thought that he would clean himself, his eyes looked pure red like that glowing charcoal in modern jikos.
I'm one of those people who don't mind the damn shit caused, I couldn't respond to him, I would just stare at him with a smirk. There was that justification inside me, "did you wanted me to start sucking my blood?" But I couldn't translate it into a voice.
He was dressing me, his hands shivering like he had eaten chameleon. "In all those years i have lived you are the second useless person after Raila i have seen", he would then laugh, laugh again and release that smell of rotten cabbages, a smell that one produces after drinking third generation liquor, you had thought he had eaten rotten cabbages. But one thing i liked him for, he was first, he didn't waste my time, it's like he knew my plan. After giving instructions he told me to meet him on a Friday. Even before i opened the door to get out he received a call. "Fanyeni order na mchague meza karibu na counter." "Ooh! So even him had his own plans thats why he was so quick" someone inside me said. red evening dresses
Githutha was right outside with my phone, and he told me that shalo had called three times but unfortunately it was already dark. It was the time for cheeks to get into their nests, that is a fact, and was a fact.
I called shalo, "we wî mundu wa wana muno, niutumîre nginya Eunice arege gûka." He said we a bitter voice. I just hanged the call like he had sipped my mangoe juice and told Githutha let's go home. We had to hurry because it was dark and the path was slippery.
We had to schedule the date to Sunday. I texted Silvester when I arrived home. I knew I had disappointed linet and the whole clique but it was not upon me to make them understand, they will see for themselves, I consoled myself.
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By the writer of highschool memories.