? ? ? ? ? ? ? when its 4:45AM n you think your son is at his homeboy house for the night then..BOOM!!! He walking in the door all happy go lucky telling you how much fun he had at AFTERPROM wait!!! when was PROM...TODAY!! Huh.....wait U went? Hold up hold up did u get a hair cut? A suit ? A date? Was I ever part of this decision? Am I tripping?..... He looking confused I'm looking ? ... Long story short his homie is a senior didn't want to go his parents making him gevask twan to hang with him twan came home got white pants bought a white shirt and tie another homie told him he had a vest at the crib for him...(ha ha ha the homies looking out) twan went to prom like it was winter formal... No big deal ha ha I didn't know weather to be mad he wasnt at his friend house like I,knew the plans where to be or happy that he looked out for hia homie abd then went somewhere safe and fun and age appropriate then knew to come home cause he work at 11am... # lovemymom # heworsum # heagoodkid # hesneaky # prom #2018 # hedidntcare # hebethehypemanatthedance # babyezell # imraisingaking